Produktionslabor Projekte
Audio & Video planing & operating, technical lead, etc.

What are those...?

Picture of the dance performance

Photo: Fynn König

During a lot of "Flimmerfest"s, which are our own film festival at the HAW, some "Lichterfeste" (as mentioned in my LF19 Project) and Graduation ceremonies I was responsible for different tasks, from planing and operating the audio setup to the position of the technical lead. Besides that I always helped the other departments with all their problems, as over the years I learned enough, to help out in most cases. And obviously I always helped with rigging and power distribution or whatever was needed. All those projects were initiated by the Produktionslabor, where I have been tutor for a few years and still love to get back from time to time. Many projects at the university can have a very family feel to it (obviously you have a great impact on that if you are in a leading position), but those projects still stood out in that regard.

Thanks to everyone, who participated and especially the PL-Family for those awesome experiences! Special thanks to Martina, Kevin & Fabian (Schmidtke).

Photos & Videos